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World Championship F3A 2019 in Brescia -Italy

Model EXPERIENCE 60 Classic

V rubriko odel building/ Wooden construction je dodan omenjeni model 28.04.2017
Brusshles motor JOKER 4250/7 -720 RPM/V

In section Članki/F3A/electric drive / tests of other E-engines, is added above engine test. 27.02.2017
Dodan model Miss Wind 50E

V rubriko MODELI/Elektropogon je dodan omenjeni model.

Ponedeljek, 31.03.2025
DUALSKY XM 6355-12 F3A Competition Nazaj na članke
Electric drive | Electric drive for F3A models

Nov motor firme Dualsky v lažji-manjši izvedbi, namenjen prvenstveno F3A modelom. Motor je adekvatno cenejše nadomestilo za AXI 5325/24


Manufacturer Dualsky has succeeded in making them very lightweight and powerful engine with characteristics, which in no way behind-eat AXI 5325/24. Engine is intended only for front mounting. Is it possible to purchase a commercially available engine mount, which includes a motor shaft support bearing and allows mounting on the fire wall. Production is high quality, as well as materials. Even 8mm shaft is propperly hardened this time. Taking into consideration the price of the product (Lindinger, € 129.90), this may be a good starting engine especially for the category F3a-2x2m.

Firma Dualsky je uspela narediti zelo lahek  in po karakteristikah močan motor, ki v ničemer ne zaostaja za AXI-jem 5325/24, temveč je od njega celo bistveno lažji, predvsem zaradi tega, ker je predviden samo za čelno montažo. Je pa možno dokupiti nosilec motorja, ki vsebuje še podporni ležaj gredi motorja in potem  je možna pritrditev na požarno steno. Izdelava je kvalitetna, prav tako materiali. Tudi gred premera 8mm na mestu pritrditve propelerja je tokrat trda. Če upoštevamo še ceno izdelka (Lindinger, 129,90€), je to lahko dober štartni motor predvsem za kategorijo F3A -2x2m.


Measurements were made with full charged batteries, which have about 40 cycles and are one year old.

The controller was Hacker master 77Flight, timing 24 deg.
Measuring instruments: Watts-up and Konrad-rpm meter and digital scale up to 40kg

Meritve so bile narejene s polnimi akumulatorji, ki imajo cca 40 ciklov in so stari leto dni.

 Krmilnik je bil Hacker master 77 flight, timing 24 st.

Merilni instrument Wats-up in Konrad rpm meter ter potezna digitalna tehtnica do 40kg







RHINO 4900-10s APC-E18x10
RHINO 4900-10s APC-E18x12
RHINO 4900-10s
RHINO 4900-10s APC-E20x11
RHINO 4900-10s  Mejzlik20x12E
RHINO 4900-10s APC-E20x13 
 87,4A 6680

Idle: 4.3 A at 41.2 V


Engine idle current is quite high compared with other comparable engines. But, this lowweigt engine has good efficiency and also very good performances. In testing all six propellers, the engine is warmed to about 37 degrees, which means that the model must be well ventilated and with max. current load across 75A. Originally recommended is APC 20x13 propeller. Measurements were made with a fully charged battery. I started at the lowest propeller and then upward. I suggest instead of APC's a carbon prop acc. to the AXI or PT model with the same size. It is also possible to use  Mejzlik 20x12E or 20.5 x12W (restriction to the maximal current across 75A!)


Tok prostega teka motorja je precej visok v primerjavi z ostalimi primerljivimi motorji. Se pa motor oddolži v obremenjenem stanju z dobrim izkoristkom in za to težo zelo dobrimi zmogljivostmi. Pri testiranju vseh petih  propelerjev se je motor segrel do cca 37 stopinj, kar pomeni, da mora biti v modelu dobro prezračevanje in pa tokovne obremenitve v okviru največ 75A. Tovarniško je priporočen propeler 20x13. Meritve so bile narejene s polnim akumulatorjem, začel sem pri najmanjšem propelerju in potem navzgor. Predlagam pa namesto APC-ja karbonski prop AXI ali PT model enake velikosti. Možen je še recimo Mejzlik 20x12E ali 20,5x12W (omejitev plina na tok 75A!!!)

Engine testing on F3A plane Bulldog


The engine is now installed on the Bulldog and  first five flights are made.

Mounted is 20x12E Mejzlik propeller.

First impressions are:

- Power is enough, just speed.

- The operation is significantly quieter than the previous setup.

- Battery load and spending are increasing. How exactly will continue when to get used to different trotlemanagement.

- All settings staying the same.

- Weight of the model fell to about 25g and is now below 4.9 kg


The engine has had 33 flights and operate very well. Flight speed is in comparison with the previous setup slightly higher, constant speed is easier to achieve. Power and speed is enough.

Power consumption ranges from 3300-3700mAh, depending on wind and flight mode for the P11.



The engine has over 130 flights now and still works well. With better trotle management is consumption now from 3000 to 3600mAh.

On warm days is motor temperature a bit high, about 60 to 65 deg.C.



The engine has over 330 flights and still operates very well.


Motor je sedaj že inštaliran na Buldoga in narejenih je prvih 5 poletov.

Montiran je propeler Mejzlik 20x12E.

Prvi vtisi so: 

- moči je dovolj, prav tako hitrosti.

- delovanje je bistveno tišje od predhodnega setupa.

- obremenitev akumulatorjev ter poraba sta večji. Koliko  natančno,    se bo še izkristaliziralo, ko se privadimo na drugačen trotlemanagement.

- vse nastavitve so ostale zaenkrat enake.

- teža modela je padla za cca 25g in je sedaj pod 4,9kg



Motor ima za seboj 33 poletov in deluje BP. Hitrost letenja je v primerjavi s predhodnim setupom nekoliko večja, konstantno hitrost je lažje doseči. Moči in hitrosti je dovolj.

Poraba se giblje od 3300-3700mAh, odvisno od vetra in načina letenja za program P11.

Dodano: 14.06.2011 | Ogledov: 17900 | Komentarjev: 1 | Avtor: marko
